Welcome to

Keelham Primary School

Be Kind, Persevere and Succeed

Keelham Primary School


Admission Arrangements

All information regarding admission arrangements to Bradford primary schools, can be found on the following web page. https://www.bradford.gov.uk/education-and-skills/school-admissions/guide-for-parents/

Admissions to Reception Class

All children in Bradford are admitted into Reception Class in the academic year in which they are five.  All children begin school in September.

In the November before your child starts school,  an application pack containing an APS1 (Application) form will be available from Bradford Council.  This form gives you the opportunity to name five schools you would like your child to attend, in preference order. The application form needs to be completed and returned to the authority at the beginning of January.  Parents will be informed about places during the April before the children start school.

Pupil Numbers

Our standard admission number for Reception is 15.

Admission Appeals

All admission appeals will be dealt in accordance with Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s appeals policy.



If parents think they meet the criteria below they need to go to the Childcare Choices website and apply for an eligibility code. If they are successful they will be given an 11 digit HMRC eligibility code, parents must give the code to all the providers who are offering funded hours for their children. School will check the code using Bradford Funded Hours Checker

Please fill in an application  form which you can access via the link – Click Here

If you believe that your child should be in receipt of Early Years funded hours, please fill in an application by clicking the link below –

Contact Details

Headteacher: Mr R Hunter

Keelham Primary School, Well Heads,
Keelham, Bradford, BD13 4HH

Tel: 01274 832491 Fax: 01274 833816

Email: office@keelham.bradford.sch.uk