Welcome to

Keelham Primary School

Be Kind, Persevere and Succeed

Keelham Primary School

Our Remote Learning Offer

Keelham Primary School is fully committed to delivering an online remote learning offer which replicates as much of the day to day experience of Keelham Primary School. The school website’s ‘Home Learning Tab’ and Class Dojo will be used to continue our teaching and learning activities. Each class teacher will provide a daily Microsoft Sway. 

Keelham Primary School’s underlying principles will continue to be delivered,  These principles are:

  • a broad and balanced experience for our pupils
  • stimulating pupils’ enthusiasm
  • enabling and encouraging high standards of achievement through good quality teaching and learning
  • encouraging our children to strive to achieve their maximum potential
  • allowing for the needs of our individual pupils, offering a differentiated approach
  • equipping our pupils with the information, skills and motivation for further independent study.

Contact Details

Headteacher: Mr R Hunter

Keelham Primary School, Well Heads,
Keelham, Bradford, BD13 4HH

Tel: 01274 832491 Fax: 01274 833816

Email: office@keelham.bradford.sch.uk