Welcome to

Keelham Primary School

Be Kind, Persevere and Succeed

Keelham Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages

At Keelham Primary, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest in and thirst for learning other languages. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. We aim to build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between culture

We believe that learning a new language is vital within primary school. Children gain confidence, knowledge and transferrable skills about language learning to take with them to KS3 and help them progress with languages in their further education.

While we want to ensure that pupils cover all of the national curriculum points necessary by the end of Year 6.

The language curriculum we have designed should run as follows:
HT1 – Unit 1: Greetings & Numbers (KS1 & KS2)
HT2 – Unit 2: Colours & Animals (KS1 & KS2)
HT3 – Unit 3: Days of the Week, Months, Seasons & Fruit (KS1 & KS2)
HT4 – Unit 4: Food, Drink and Giving (KS1 & KS2)
HT5 – Unit 5: Family, Stories and Conversation (KS1 & KS2)
HT6 – Unit 6: Cultural Diversity and Revision (KS1 & KS2)

Contact Details

Headteacher: Mr R Hunter

Keelham Primary School, Well Heads,
Keelham, Bradford, BD13 4HH

Tel: 01274 832491 Fax: 01274 833816

Email: office@keelham.bradford.sch.uk