Welcome to

Keelham Primary School

Be Kind, Persevere and Succeed

Keelham Primary School


Partnerships and Communications

We recognise that a child’s education is a partnership between school and home. Children are more successful in school when their parents are actively involved in their learning. At Keelham we have an expectation that all parents attend meetings and consultation evenings to discuss their children’s progress and development. Parents are welcome to speak to the class teacher during the week and can make an appointment via the school office. We often find that many issues can be resolved quickly by catching the teacher for an informal chat at the end of the day.

The school endeavours to keep parents up to date on school issues. There are regular newsletters, text messages and emails to provide information. The school website contains copies of all these communications as well as many other items of interest to parents – including our policies on admissions, attendance and accessibility. Please check it regularly as there is also an online calendar to inform you of important dates. The school sees good attendance as vital to a child’s education and consequently follow the government guidelines concerning holidays in term time.

If you are a new parent considering application to the school details can be obtained from the Local Council general enquires number ; 01274  439234 or from the school directly.

Contact Details

Headteacher: Mr R Hunter

Keelham Primary School, Well Heads,
Keelham, Bradford, BD13 4HH

Tel: 01274 832491 Fax: 01274 833816

Email: office@keelham.bradford.sch.uk